The seed of Kentucky coffeetree have hard, thick seed coats. Kentucky Coffeetree ( Gymnocladus dioicus)Ĭollect the fruit (pods) when they drop to the ground in the fall. The seed of Redbud ( Cercis canadensis) has to be both scarified and stratified before germination will occur. Seed should be planted promptly at a depth of 1/4 inch. Once scarified, the seed should be stratified at 35° to 41☏ for 5 to 8 weeks. Redbud seed can be scarified by submerging seed in boiling water for one minute. Seed require both scarification and cold stratification before they will germinate. Seed of the redbud have hard, impermeable seed coats in addition to dormant embryos. Redbud ( Cercis canadensis)Ĭollect the pods of redbud when they turn brown in the fall. Plant the seeds 3/4 to 1 1/2 inches deep. Pecans ( Carya illinoiensis) require only 30 to 90 days of cold stratification. Then stratify the nuts of the shagbark ( Carya ovata) and bitternut ( Carya cordiformis) hickories at 33° to 40☏ for 90 to 120 days. Prior to stratifying, soak the nuts in water at room temperature for 2 to 4 days (change the water once or twice a day). Sow the seed in the fall or plant stratified seed in the spring. Hickories ( Carya species)Ĭollect the fruit as they fall to the ground. Seed should be planted 1 to 2 inches deep. The Ohio buckeye ( Aesculus glabra) and common horsechestnut ( Aesculus hippocastanum) should be stratified for 120 days at 41☏. Plant the seed in the fall or stratify the seed and plant in the spring. Dry the fruit at room temperature until the capsules split open, then remove the shiny, dark brown seeds.

Gather the fruit (capsules) of the horsechestnuts and buckeyes as soon as they fall to the ground. Horsechestnuts and Buckeyes ( Aesculus species) Plant the seed (fruit) 1/4 to 1 inch deep. Seed of the sugar maple ( Acer saccharum) should be stratified for 40 to 90 days at 33° to 41☏, while seed of the Norway maple ( Acer platanoides) require 90 to 120 days at 41☏. Sow seed directly outdoors in the fall or plant stratified seed in the spring. The fruit of most maple species matures in the fall. Neither requires a pregermination treatment and should be planted immediately. The fruit of red ( Acer rubrum) and silver maple ( Acer saccharinum) mature in late spring or early summer. There is no need to remove the seed from the fruit. Collect mature fruit from the lawn, driveway, or gutters. When mature, maple fruit (samaras) turn from green to yellow or brown and fall to the ground. Maple | Horsechestnut & Buckeye | Hickory | Redbud | Kentucky Coffeetree | Black Walnut | Apple & Crabapple | Cherry, Peach & Plum | Oak Specific information on collecting and planting seed from several tree species follows. Germination Requirements for Specific Tree Species For these species provide the scarification first, then provide the stratification treatment. They require both scarification and stratification for germination. The seed of some trees, such as redbud, have hard impermeable seed coats and dormant embryos.
The best temperature and time-frame for a particular species may be slightly different. For most species, stratify the seed at temperatures between 32° and 40☏ for 3 to 4 months. (Punch holes in the lid of the container to provide air.) Seed can also be stratified in plastic bags. Suitable containers include coffee cans, plastic jars, and cottage cheese containers. Tree seed can be stratified by placing the seed in a moist 50:50 mixture of sand and peat moss. Gardeners can accomplish the same results through a process called stratification. When seed is planted in the fall, Mother Nature provides the stratification naturally. Winter weather in Iowa provides the necessary conditions to break dormancy. The seed of many tree species will not germinate until they have been exposed to cool temperatures and moist conditions for several weeks or months. Stratification - Providing a Cold Treatment In nature, the seed coat may be broken by microbial action, passage of the seed through the digestive tract of a bird or other animal, exposure to alternate freezing and thawing, or fire. Treatment with boiling water has also been successful for a number of tree species. Mechanical means, such as a metal file or coarse sandpaper, can be used to break the seed coat. The seed coat may be broken in a variety of ways and the process is referred to as scarification. In some tree species, dormancy is the result of a thick, hard seed coat.

Scarification & Stratification | Germination Requirements of Specific Tree Species | FAQs | More Informationīreaking Dormancy in Tree Seed Scarification - Breaking the Seed Coat Dormancy must be broken before the seed can germinate. However, the seed of most tree species won't germinate immediately when planted because they are in a dormant state.